Getting a Server Result
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The next step is to forward the request from the browser to Google's server so that we can get a result to work with. The rule to use for this is called HTTP Server Execute. Rather than trying to locate the group the rule is in, this time we will search for it. In the rule editor, click the Searchable tab:
In the search box type execute. The search list updates for each character typed and quickly locates the rule as shown:
Once again, drag the rule onto the canvas and then connect the False (URIs that do NOT contain a ".") chain point from the If Condition rule to the input of the HTTP Server Execute rule:
Once again set the properties as follows:
What we are doing here is requesting the response from the server. The response will be loaded into the RESPONSE
variable name; the content type of the response will be supplied in the CONTENT
variable. We have chosen not to override any part of the request (although in theory you could override the "dishwasher" query to be something else entirely)
Finally, we have elected to obtain the headers and status code from the server as well. We will need all of this information later to send back a proper response to the user.