Managing Repositories
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Repositories are used to separate and securely manage configurations, rule sets and data (data files, content or test data) for a given server. They can also be used in combination with user roles to separate responsibilities for rule writing, testing and deployment between different users.
By default, repositories are not enabled, and configurations, rule sets and data are stored directly under the root of the relevant section in the administration tree.
To create a new repository, simply click the Repositories link in the administration tree. The following will be presented:
Enter a name for the repository in the “Details” section (such as “Test”) and click on Create.
Note that you can also filter repositories from this location. Adding a filter allows you to limit the number of repositories shown in the administration tree. This speeds up the console and also makes development within a single repository much easier.
A new repository will now exist under configurations, rule sets and data, however you will not be able to see these folders until they contain some data.
To create a new configuration, rule set or data file in a repository, select that repository on the creation page as shown below:
In this example, once you have uploaded a file to the Console Demo repository, it becomes visible in the administration tree as shown here: