Hello, World!
Version: 10.0 / Modifications: 0
Last updated
Version: 10.0 / Modifications: 0
Last updated
Hello, World!
As with all new programming languages, the "Hello, World!
" program generally is a computer program that outputs or displays the message "Hello, World!". Such a program is very simple in most programming languages and is often used to illustrate the basic syntax of a programming language. It is often the first program written by people learning to code.\
Now step inside and follow these steps to complete your very first composition with Composable Agentic Platform.
A running local, or cloud hosted instance of X.
Installed console version or later.
Chrome or Firefox browsers are supported.
Ports 80 and 443 are required to be available to run the console and X Agent.
For the purposes of these instructions [your server name] = localhost
For example: http://[your server name]/console/ = http://localhost/console
You need access to a console login screen like this:
Click the link to open http://localhost/hello.html in a new browser tab:
You’ll see a simple html content file called hello.html
has already been pre-deployed and is served up to the browser by the running X Agent.
Go ahead and enter your name in the form and press the Say Hello button. The form submission responds with Hello
The X Agent loads hello.html
, prompting the user to enter a name and to click a button labelled Say Hello. When the button is clicked, the text entered should be appended to "Hello". For example, if the text entered is "World!" then the result will be "Hello World!"
The user experience needs improving because any text entered is currently ignored. Can you follow this guide to improve the user experience?
First up, let’s go and see where the hello.html
file lives….
Login to the console using the default credentialsIn your case if you are working on the localhost console, use the default credentials: http://localhost/console/
User ID: admin
Password: admin
Once logged in, press Start followed by Repositories.
We typically call these “repos”. It’s the home, or workspace in the console of where your work lives.
Now Click on the Hello World repository folder (no need to expand the folder tree just now, as that’s where you can save and restore your repository backups – we’ll get to that soon enough!).
Now press View and then expand the Content Files folder.
Content files can be HTML, XML, images, or any other binary content that may be required to be served when requested.
Content files can also be dynamically modified by content rule sets, we’re not covering those in this example.Content files live within a content path that must map to the content path of the application. In our simple example, hello.html
is served under localhost being the root directory, so therefore it resides in the top-level Content Files folder.
As the Hello World configuration has already been deployed from the console to the target server X Agent, this is why the page loads when requested.
So, let’s inspect the html file. Click on hello.html, and a new portal window will open for the file. Click on the Update button as follows.
A new browser window opens to show a html editor for the hello.html content file. Note the input parameter name on the form is set to Name. We don’t need to make any changes to the html file so you can close this window.
So that’s a small introduction to Content Files. Next, let’s take a look at Rule Sets.
With the Hello World repository open, expand the Rule Sets folder, then click the SendResponse rule set and press Update in the portal window that opens.
The rules editor is the graphical design tool for composing and maintaining rule sets. The rules editor is launched as a separate browser window from within the console application when you press Update.
Go ahead and browse the vast catalogue of what we describe as “digital blocks” on the left-hand side. The catalogue is grouped into collections. To use any block in the catalogue, expand the group folder, then click and drag a block onto the main canvas as shown.
In this example, you can expand the Alert group folder and drag the Send Kapow SMS block onto the canvas.
Now click to select the Send Kapow SMS block on the canvas, and the left-hand side catalogue will switch to the Properties tab.
Each block has properties you need to set when composing, along with adding a more meaningful description (like adding comments in code).
In this example you can set the properties as two variables called MESSAGE and MOBILE. The properties of this the block requires these in order to perform its intended function. These variables would need to contain the values of the SMS message, and the phone number to send the SMS message to.
Everything else is taken care of.
Each block has additional online help you can access by right-clicking over the selected block and pressing Help.
Give it a try.
So, let’s get back to our example. Click to select the first block called Set Variable and view its Properties.
Selected blocks banner colour turns grey.
The block does exactly what it says on the tin. It sets a new variable. In this example we’ve set the variable name to RESPONSE. With the value set to a snippet of html code. We enclose this snippet in quotes.
Note how this value has been constructed in three parts.
You’ll remember from earlier, the form submission responds with “Hello”, that’s because the NAME value hasn’t been defined or “passed into” this rule so therefore it processes NAME as a blank value, so the value of RESPONSE would look like this on exit.
Click to select the second block called HTTP Response and inspect the Properties. Selected blocks banner colour turns grey.
You can also COPY/ CUT / DELETE / PAST block(s) with a simple right click.
How easy is that?!
Guess what!?
This block also does exactly what it says on the tin. It responds to an http request with content of the response data that has been set in the property. In this case the variable RESPONSE is the html snippet value set in the preceding Set Variable block.
You’ll see this block also requires an HTTP Status code and Content Type set.
This rule performs the final response behavior by the X Agent you’ve already experienced when you clicked the http://localhost/hello.html link and pressed the Say Hello button.
Click on the fourth tab called Rule Info for the SendResponse rule set.
The Export to Group and Short Description represent this rule set as a new block that can then be (re-)used in other compositions. We will use the Send Response rule that lives in the Hello World Grouped folder in the next steps.
Note it has the Parameter Type set to Input, Parameter Name set to NAME, and has been given a Label of Name.
We’ve finished looking at the SendResponse rule set now, so go ahead and close it by closing the Rules Editor window.
Do NOT save any changes if prompted to do so.
So, let’s create a new rule set that will pass the html form’s Name value into the response.
Click on the Rule Sets folder in the Hello World repository. In the portal window that opens, set the File Name to SayHello (case sensitive) and press the Create button.
Now open the newly created SayHello rule set for editing. Click on the SayHello rule set that has now appeared in the rule set folder of the Hello World repository and press Update just as you did to inspect the SendResponse rule set.
Go to the search tab and search for “Response” and drag the Send Response block onto the rules editor canvas.
Alternatively, you can find the same block in the catalogue from the first Grouped tab, located in the Hello World group folder. This is because the Rule Info tab of the SendReponse rule set has an export group defined as Hello World.
Either method is fine to search the catalogue and drag blocks onto the canvas.
Click on the Send Response block
yes, we’ve turned a rule set into a new block in the catalogue for re-use
and once again just set the properties. So, now set the Name property to Name (case sensitive, no quotes).
Remembering this was the input parameter set in the hello.html content file we looked at earlier.
Click and hold over the orange cog, then click-release over the green dot to “wire” the first block into the rule set in a right to left direction. Incidentally, all subsequent blocks are wired from the block exit chain point (right hand side) to the input of the next block (left hand side).
Press SAVE and close the rules editor window as shown.
That’s all you need for your new rule set.
The HelloWorld configuration defines the input into the X Agent and the rule sets to run.
Expand the configurations folder and click the HelloWorld configuration. The General tab is the default view, and ensure you now select the SayHello rule set from the dropdown list of available rule sets. This is the “initialising” rule set that is processed by the X Agent on the very first transaction it receives.
Embedded (dependent) rule sets that have been wired within the SayHello rule set are also deployed along with it’s parent, so you only need to set the top-level ruleset.
Therefore, any dependent rule sets will get deployed along with the configuration without having to define them.
You’ll note here that there are three other types of rule set that can be set to initialize and run when processing data. These are for (1) CONTENT, on (2) STARTUP, and on (3) COMPLETION. These are not required in this example.
Just to mention in passing, there is a fifth rule set you can set in the Timers tab of the configuration. These are rule sets that are initiated and run (as the name suggests) on a timed basis. For example, when a rule set is required to perform a defined process say, every 24 hours.
Click on the Input Source tab and inspect the different sources of data options available.
For this example, we are configuring the X Agent to process web application data, but as you can see this is just one of a multitude of available options to define in the configuration, dependent on the composition and data sources being processed.
Click on the Databases tab. It’s here where you define the databases being made available to the X Agent. You are not required to define a database for this example so there’s no need to configure a database.
Example only:
If you are interested, database connectivity specifying JDBC driver, connection string and schema credentials is an administrator set-up task in the console. You don’t need to complete that right now.
With the new SayHello rule set defined as the rule set in the configuration, you can go ahead and press the Deploy button.
Select X Agent as the target server and press the Deploy button.
Wait for the deployment to complete and the server restart in a few seconds, and you’ll see the X Agent server details are shown.
Click the link to open http://localhost/hello.html in a new browser tab and refresh the page.
Enter World! the press the Say Hello button, and if successful you’ll receive a Hello World! response.
[the crowd erupts into wild applause 👏🏻🍾]
Want some more?
Then read on….
With the Hello, World! example now working successfully, let’s give you a glimpse under the hood of the X Agent.
Go back to the console and click Get performance data in the X Agent server portal window you have open.
On the next window click View Rules Performance
The rules editor window opens in a new window. Double click the Send Response block.
Place a probe on the Set Variable block. Right click over the green exit chain point and click New probe…
Click the Create button. Live probes are triggered by variables and values, and occurrences thereof. We can leave these blank to just trigger on the next transaction.
The exit chain point turns yellow to show the probe is set.
Now go to the browser tab of the demo page showing the SayHello output and click the back button so that the input hello.html page shows.
Input a new name Probe into the input field and click Say Hello, the page responds as expected with Hello Probe. Go back to the rules editor window with the probe set and you’ll see the exit chain point has turned red to show the probe has been triggered.
Right click on the red exit chain point and click View probe.
You can now see the transaction data that has just been processed by the X Agent. The contents of the two variables NAME and RESPONSE.
Aside from helping you view live data to assist with composing or troubleshooting your solution, it also provides a superior debugging tool that can even be used on production servers without the need for logging.