Content Files
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Last updated
Content files can be HTML, XML, images, Flash files or any other binary content that may be required to be served up to support a rule set. The content files live within a content path that must map to the content path of the application being protected. You can add arbitrary sub-directories below the initial content path, but the first one MUST match the application name. Alternatively, there is the Use server context path option in the configuration to use the Optional Context Path as defined for the server definition.
Content files can only be created within a repository. They cannot be created at root level.
In the configuration, you can nominate a specific rule set to be used for content only. This rule set will receive a copy of the served up content in a CONTENT variable, where CONTENT is the variable name, along with the URI variable containing the path and name of the item being served up.
Using the content rule set, you can modify the CONTENT variable with dynamic content before it is transmitted to the client.
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Editing Content Files
Deploying Content Files