Performance Benchmarks
In terms of benchmarking, outcomes will obviously depend on the rule sets used. During benchmarking testing for the product, 8.4 million transactions per hour were achieved for a rule set that included:
Geo location lookup for each IP address using the MaxMind Geo Location rule
Keyed CSV lookup of a blacklist using the CSV Lookup Rule
Storing of the last five and retrieval of the last two IP addresses using the History Recorder rule
Numeric comparison using the Value Comparer rule
Text substring comparison using the Value Comparer rule
Console listing for 0.8% of the test data entries using the Attribute Lister rule
The throughput was achieved on an IBM 8-way 1.8 Ghz Power 5 system running AIX with the help of the Composable Agentic Platform in-built load balancer.
These performance numbers are not intended to serve as a promise regarding what can be achieved in any specific configuration. It is merely provided to give a feel for the overall performance capabilities that may be achieved.
Last updated