Performance Benchmarks

In terms of benchmarking, outcomes will obviously depend on the rule sets used. During benchmarking testing for the product, 8.4 million transactions per hour were achieved for a rule set that included:

  • Geo location lookup for each IP address using the MaxMind Geo Location rule

  • Keyed CSV lookup of a blacklist using the CSV Lookup Rule

  • Storing of the last five and retrieval of the last two IP addresses using the History Recorder rule

  • Numeric comparison using the Value Comparer rule

  • Text substring comparison using the Value Comparer rule

  • Console listing for 0.8% of the test data entries using the Attribute Lister rule

The throughput was achieved on an IBM 8-way 1.8 Ghz Power 5 system running AIX with the help of the Composable Agentic Platform in-built load balancer.

These performance numbers are not intended to serve as a promise regarding what can be achieved in any specific configuration. It is merely provided to give a feel for the overall performance capabilities that may be achieved.

Last updated