The following guide is intended for programmers tasked with extending the rules catalog for Composable Architecture Platform.
The Composable Architecture Platform is specifically designed to be extended with relative ease and even includes the ability to seamlessly adapt the documentation to match the installed extensions. New rules added via extensions are automatically available in the rules editor and are automatically deployed to the target X Engine alongside any dependent artifacts (such as their own additional libraries). Rules can leverage the Composable Architecture Platform framework for database access, file management, credentials, logging and much more.
Over the years, Composable Architecture Platform users have built custom extension for everything from manipulating data to accessing complex data services. Many of those extensions have been donated back to the community and are now fully supported by TomorrowX. If you write an extension that you believe other users may benefit from, then we encourage you to contact us with a request to include it in the base product. The benefit to you is that TomorrowX will ensure future support of the extension throughout new releases.