This example shows the full source code, error messages and manifest for the Kapow SMS gateway extension.
/* Copyright 2024 TomorrowX Pty Ltd.
* This is licensed software.
* You must not distribute, alter or copy this code unless you have a current and valid
* Tomorrow Software license. Where you have a current and valid license, you may use
* this code as an example for further rules development only for use within your organisation.
* You must not distribute or allow to be distributed whether by act or omission this code
* to any third party without written permission from the Chief Executive Officer of
* TomorrowX Pty Ltd.
* To the extent permitted by law or agreed to in writing by the Chief Executive Officer of
* TomorrowX Pty Ltd, software distributed under the license is distributed
* on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
* See the license agreement for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the license.
package software.tomorrow.rules.rules;
import software.tomorrow.rules.base.ChainPoint;
import software.tomorrow.rules.base.Encoding;
import software.tomorrow.rules.base.HttpBrowser;
import software.tomorrow.rules.base.HttpResponseAsString;
import software.tomorrow.rules.base.LogAdapter;
import software.tomorrow.rules.base.Rule;
import software.tomorrow.rules.base.VariableAttributeObject;
public class KapowSMS extends Rule {
private String messageAttr;
private int messageType;
private String phoneAttr;
private int phoneType;
private String user;
private String password;
* Initialize the rule upon load of the rule set
public void initialize() {
// Read the user ID and password from the credentials vault
user = getCredentialsValue("KapowSMS","UserID");
password = getCredentialsValue("KapowSMS","Password");
// Check that the credentials are available
if (user==null || password==null) {
String[] errorInfo = { };
setError("KPOW001", errorInfo);
// Read the message
messageAttr = (String)getProperties().get("MessageAttribute");
if (messageAttr==null || messageAttr.trim().equals("")) {
String[] errorInfo = { };
setError("KPOW003", errorInfo);
// Determine the type of value used. It can be a variable or a String in quotes
messageType = getValueType(messageAttr);
if (messageType==VAR_STRING) {
messageAttr = getValueString(messageAttr);
// Read the phone number
phoneAttr = (String)getProperties().get("PhoneAttribute");
if (phoneAttr==null || phoneAttr.trim().equals("")) {
String[] errorInfo = { };
setError("KPOW004", errorInfo);
// Determine the type of value used. It can be a variable or a String in quotes
phoneType = getValueType(phoneAttr);
if (phoneType==VAR_STRING) {
phoneAttr = getValueString(phoneAttr);
* Clean up resources upon unload of the rule set
public void cleanup() {
// Nothing here
* Process the rule and send the provided message to Vodafone via it's Kapow service
* @return The updated VariableAttributeObject
public VariableAttributeObject processRule(VariableAttributeObject vao, ChainPoint source)
throws Throwable {
// Default to the error chain point
ChainPoint cp = (ChainPoint)getRuleChainPoints().get("Failed");
// Late determination of the value type. If it is a variable (not a constant),
// we must retrieve it now.
String messageInp = messageAttr;
if (messageType==VAR_VARIABLE) {
messageInp = vao.getAttribute(messageAttr);
// Late determination of the value type. If it is a variable (not a constant),
// we must retrieve it now.
String phone = phoneAttr;
if (phoneType==VAR_VARIABLE) {
phone = vao.getAttribute(phoneAttr);
// Prepare to send the SMS. It can be a real SMS or just a simulation on the test server
if ((getRunType() & Rule.RUNTYPE_SEND_ALERTS)==0) {
// This is a simulation - just let it through
writeConsole("SMS: "+messageInp+" >> "+phone);
cp = (ChainPoint)getRuleChainPoints().get("OK");
} else {
// Send SMS via Vodafone Kapow
// Escape the message, so that special characters get encoded
String message = Encoding.escape(messageInp);
// Strip any special characters from the phone number
StringBuffer no = new StringBuffer();
for (int loop=0; loop<phone.length(); loop++) {
char nc = phone.charAt(loop);
if (nc=='+' || nc=='0' || nc=='1' || nc=='2' || nc=='3' || nc=='4'
|| nc=='5' || nc=='6' || nc=='7' || nc=='8' || nc=='9') {
phone = no.toString();
// Prepare the URL for sending
HttpBrowser browser = new HttpBrowser(getRuleSet().getRulesEngine());
try {
HttpResponseAsString rsp = browser.doHttpGet(""
// Check if the reply contains an OK message
if (rsp.getResponse().indexOf("OK")>-1) {
cp = (ChainPoint)getRuleChainPoints().get("OK");
} else {
writeConsole("WARNING: Kapow SMS fail >> "+phone+" >> "+rsp.getResponse());
} catch(Exception ex) {
// In case of an exception, ignore and set the ERROR attribute to the exception
writeConsole("WARNING: Kapow SMS fail >> "+phone+" >> "+ex.toString());
// Also log it
String[] errorInfo = { "\""+ex.getLocalizedMessage()+"\"" };
log(LogAdapter.LOGLEVEL_WARNING,renderMessage("BASE070", errorInfo),ex,this,null);
} finally {
// Chain through to the correct chain point
if (cp!=null) vao = cp.chain(vao,this);
return vao;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rule name="Send Kapow SMS" ruleClass="software.tomorrow.rules.rules.KapowSMS" image="sms.gif" addChainPoints="false" note="This rule sends an SMS to a nominated phone number using the Kapow service. Please note that for this rule to work, credentials must be set up in the credentials vault. The key for the credentials is 'KapowSMS' and the required fields are 'UserID' and 'Password'." group="Alert">
<attribute name="MessageAttribute" label="Message Variable" type="text" quote="true"/>
<attribute name="PhoneAttribute" label="Phone Number Variable" type="text" quote="true"/>
<chainpoint name="OK" label="OK"/>
<chainpoint name="Failed" label="Failed"/>
; Error codes for Kapow SMS
KPOW001=The rule &1 in ruleset &2 does not have the KapowSMS credentials correctly set in the credential vault.
KPOW003=The rule &1 in ruleset &2 is missing a message variable
KPOW004=The rule &1 in ruleset &2 is missing a phone number variable