Version: 10.0 / Modifications: 0
The Tomorrow Software console ships with a scripting interface to facilitate automated management by other tools. The scripting interface is based on the TCL (Tools Command Language) version 8.4 syntax and commands, but also includes a number of Tomorrow Software specific commands.
As scripting is a programming interface, the scripting engine is not multi-lingual. It is invoked by a simple HTTP/S POST command to the URL:
The parameters for the POST are as follows:
The console user ID under which the script will be executed
The password for the user
The script to execute
All parameters should be UTF-8 encoded.
It is beyond the scope of this manual to provide complete details of the TCL language. TCL has been in use for many years and plenty of online resources exist for learning the language. An excellent primer can be found here:
Also, several sample scripts can be found in the /Education/script samples folder.
To assist with testing scripts, a specific page has been made available:
This page allows you to enter a user ID and password, as well as a script, and submit it to the console. The output from the submission is returned to the browser.
Tomorrow Software introduces a number of extensions to the standard TCL language. All of the extensions relate to specific console management tasks.
In addition, output written with the "puts" command is written to the HTTP Response stream rather than STDOUT
The createUser command creates a new console user. The command takes a number of parameters to correctly define a user in the console:
The console user ID for the new user
The full name of the user
The initial password for the user
The email address of the user
The user type. Valid values are:
0 = Administrator
1 = Standard User
2 = Super User
3 = Security User
The role name for the user. Can be blank if no role is required.
Time Zone
The new users time zone. Must correspond to the time zone list found in the appendixes of this manual.
Additional Auth
The class name of any additional authentication settings. Can be blank if no additional authentication is required. Please note that only basic authentication selections are available. Overrides (such as the number of digits for one-time emails) are not supported. Currently the following are valid additional auth classes:
The following script snippet shows an example of how to use this command:
This command can only be executed with administrator or security authority.
The deployConfiguration command deploys a specific configuration to a nominated server. Only configurations located in a repository can be deployed using this command. The parameters for the command are Server ID, Repository Name and Configuration Name. The following script snippet shows an example of how to use this command:
The command will wait for the deployment task to complete before continuing. The deployment does not result in a server restart. The stopServer and startServer commands should be used after this command to ensure that the deployed configuration takes effect. This command is only valid for production servers.
The deleteUser command deletes a user based on a provided user ID. The following script snippet shows an example of how to use this command:
This command can only be executed with administrator or security authority.
The getAudit command retrieves a subset of the internal Tomorrow Software audit log. The following snippet shows an example of how to use this command:
The above commands retrieve all audit log entries after the Java Time Stamp 1425064936463.
This command can only be executed with administrator or security authority.
The getConfiguration command reads a specific configuration from a specific repository and provides access to all elements of the configuration (including the ability to update it if the user has the appropriate authority.
The following script snippet shows an example of how to use this command:
The above command obtains the BasicWebTrial configuration from the Product Trial repository, outputs the default rule set file name and then sets the maximum number of test records to 20,000 before updating the configuration (writing it to the file system).
The following table provides a list of all of the readable properties on the configuration object:
Return value
An array of strings with the input field labels of the configuration
An array of strings with the input field names of the configuration
An array of strings with the input field values of the configuration
The file name of the content rule set
An array of strings with the database aliases of the configuration
An array of strings with the database drivers of the configuration
An array of strings with the database names of the configuration
An array of strings with the database schemas of the configuration
An array of strings with the database system names of the configuration
The description of the configuration
The directory where the configuration is located
The file name of the completion rule set
The file name of the configuration
The file name of the startup rule set
The class name of the input adaptor used by the configuration
A string with the input parameters passed to the configuration upon startup
The maximum number of chain point interactions before a rule set is considered looping
The configuration name
The level of performance data collection
0 = Transaction counts
1 = Transaction count and inline time
2 = Transaction count, inline time and URI statistics
3 = All counters
The base rule set file name
The server type
0 = Production
1 = Test
The maximum number of test data collected
An array of strings with the timer delay in seconds for each timer rule set of the configuration
An array of strings with the timer rule set file names for each timer rule set of the configuration
An array of strings with the timer rule set types for each timer rule set of the configuration
0 = Real time
1 = Pause
Set to 1 if this configuration is auto starting, 0 otherwise
Set to 1 if this configuration collects test data by default, 0 otherwise
Set to 1 if this configuration provides an echo of console messages to System.out, 0 otherwise
Set to 1 if this configuration fails open, 0 otherwise
Each of the above values can also be set using the equivalent setter method (replacing "get"/"is" with "set").
Please note that for any arrays, ALL arrays in a set (attributes, databases, timer rule sets) MUST be set to the same length before invoking update.
The TCL interface only supports updating existing configurations. New configurations cannot be created using TCL and existing configurations cannot be deleted.
The getUser command reads a specific user and provides access to some elements of that user.
The following script snippet shows an example of how to use this command:
The above command reads the user test123, outputs the name of that user and then sets the role before updating the user.
The following table provides a list of all the readable properties on the user object:
Return value
The class name of any additional authentication. Can be blank.
The time the user was first created in the format: CCYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.fff based on GMT.
The email address of the user
The time of the user's last logon in the format: CCYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.fff based on GMT.
The user ID of the user
The name of the user
The role set for the user (if any)
The users time zone. Will contain a value from the time zone list found in the appendixes of this manual.
The user type. Valid values are:
0 = Administrator
1 = Standard User
2 = Super User
3 = Security User
Most of the above values can also be set using the equivalent setter method (replacing "get"/"is" with "set"). The values that cannot be set are: Logon, Created and LastLogon.
This command can only be executed with administrator or security authority.
The serverList command obtains a list of all configured servers in the console that the user is authorized to view. The response is in the form of an array of server IDs. The following script snippet shows an example of how to use this command:
A sample output from running the above script is as follows:
The serverStatus command is used to interrogate the current status of a server, based on the server's ID. The following script snippet shows an example of how to use this command:
The return value from the command is a server status object. The following methods are available on the object:
Return value
The base rules build number for the server
A flag to indicate if the server is collecting test data.
0 = No
1 = Yes
The name of the configuration currently deployed on the server
The name of the user that created the current configuration used on the server
The version of the configuration currently deployed on the server
Any error code issued (if any) when attempting to deploy the last configuration to the server
The repository name from which the configuration was deployed
The time the current configuration was deployed to the server in the format: CCYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.fff based on GMT
The name of the user that deployed the current configuration to the server
The description of the configuration currently deployed on the server
Any error codes detected on the server. The corresponding error messages are found in the "" file for the console application.
A string array with the IDs of any flight recorders in use by the currently deployed configuration
The host name of the server
The class name (identifier) of the input adaptor used for the current configuration
The input parameters provided to the configuration to be used in conjunction with the input adaptor. This is mainly used for file polling servers and in that instance provides the directory that is polled for files. For test servers it provides the input file name to the configuration.
The current version of Java used by the server
The time the X Agent was last started in the format: CCYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.fff based on GMT
The time the X Agent was last stopped in the format: CCYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.fff based on GMT
The time the X Agent was last invoked in the format: CCYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.fff based on GMT
The major version number of the X Agent
The minor version number of the X Agent
The operating system and version of the server
If the server is polling for data (feed servers)
The port the server is accepting instructions from
The revision version number of the X Agent
The name of the currently deployed rule set
Whether the server is currently running (started).
The status of the server. 0=Offline, 1=Online
The number of available test data lines
If the server has trace data
If the server is in trace mode
Number of transactions processed since last server start
Full version number of the X Agent in text format
The setCredentials command is used to set the value of a given field in the credentials vault. The specific vault and field must exist already.
The following script snippet shows an example of how to use this command:
This command can only be executed with administrator or security authority.
The startServer command is used to start a nominated server.
The following script snippet shows an example of how to use this command:
The command will wait for up to 30 seconds to ensure that the server is actually started. Provided the server starts, the command will return "1". If the server fails to start, then "0" will be returned.
The stopServer command is used to stop a nominated server.
The following script snippet shows an example of how to use this command:
The command will wait for up to 30 seconds to ensure that the server is actually stopped. Provided the server stops, the command will return "1". If the server fails to stop then "0" will be returned.
The userExists command checks if a given user ID exists. The command returns "0" if the user ID is not found or "1" if the user ID is found. The following script snippet shows an example of how to use this command:
This command can only be executed with administrator or security authority.
The updateApplication command updates a console application (such as Qwerty or the console itself. The following script snippet shows an example of how to use this command. In this case the console itself will be updated:
This command can only be executed with administrator authority.
The updateExtension command updates/installs an extension from the update server (such as the Base Rules or the Http Rules). The following script snippet shows an example of how to use this command:
This command can only be executed with administrator authority.
The updateRepository command updates/installs a repository from the update server (such as the Product Trial repository). The following script snippet shows an example of how to use this command:
This command can only be executed with administrator authority.
The userList command obtains a list of all users in the console. The response is in the form of an array of user IDs. The following script snippet shows an example of how to use this command:
A sample output from running the above script is as follows:
This command can only be executed with administrator or security authority.