This section lists solutions to problems that may be encountered in very specific circumstances. It is intended as a quick reference for highly technical people to overcome problems encountered.
After upgrading a server to DB2 Universal Database (DB2 UDB) Version 8.1 FixPak 10 (also known as Version 8.2 FixPak 3), there was an SQL0443N error when invoking a DB2 Call Level Interface (CLI) catalog function (such as SQLTables(), SQLColumns(), or SQLStatistics()).
As documented in the FixPak Readme file for DB2 Version 8.1 FixPak 10, bind the db2schema.bnd file against each database, as follows:
At a command prompt:
When you accidentally deploy to the console server and find yourself locked out of the console.
Here are some administration steps to revert an accidental deploy to console server and locking yourself out...
stop CAP: service tomorrowstart stop
delete contents of /HOME/Console/console
start CAP: service tomorrowstart start
Note: you wll lose any previously deployed repositories running in the console server using this method unless you preserve the /HOME/Console/console/backups
directory to enable restores.
If using the demo server, port 80 may already be in use on the machine it is installed on. Candidates that can use port 80 are Apache, IBM HTTP Server, Microsoft IIS and Skype.
If this is the problem, there will be a message in the logs saying that the port is already in use.
Alternatively, if trying to access using “localhost” and connecting to the web using a proxy, as a proxy cannot handle local addresses, bypass local proxies for the connection. Please refer to the manual for the specific browser for details on how to do so.
This error can occur on some versions of Debian Linux (for example Ubuntu). The workaround is to add the following 2 lines after the comments, but before the rest of the script in the file /etc/init.d/tomorrowstart, then restart: